Donate to Care and a Cure!
Help raise critically-needed funds for myotonic dystrophy at the Annual Jensen Crawfish Boil!
$3,525 raised
$10,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Pinching Tails for a Cure!
Another Outstanding Annual Jensen Crawfish Boil and Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation Fundraiser!
Taylor, Eric, and River Jensen and the Team Crawfish hosted a family-friendly event that included delicious food (fresh Louisiana crawfish, wood-fired pizza, and more), great music and incredible raffle prizes. All proceeds from the event have been directed to the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) to fund research and drug development.
The Jensen family has had a long standing tradition of hosting an authentic Louisiana crawfish boil with live music for their family and friends in San Diego. In 2012, after Taylor and her son River were diagnosed with DM, the family decided to turn their annual backyard party into a fundraiser for MDF to help fund research focused on finding treatments and a cure for DM. Since starting this new tradition, the Jensens have raised over $100,000 for MDF, and have already raised over $11,000 in 2019!
Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is a multi-systemic inherited disease. This means a variety of tissues and organs may be affected: the heart, respiratory system, brain and eyes, as well as any other muscles in the body. Deterioration of bodily functions can continue for decades - how slowly or swiftly this occurs varies from person to person. The Jensens have learned first-hand how complex and far reaching this disease can be after Taylor's father, brother, and aunt were all diagnosed in 2014. There is currently no cure for myotonic dystrophy.
This fundraiser has two ultimate goals: to raise awareness of the most common form of muscular dystrophy known as myotonic dystophy; and to raise funds to continue the research that will enable treatments and an eventual cure.
We need your help! We are seeking monetary donations to enable MDF to pursue its mission of Care and a Cure.