Together, we are changing the future of myotonic dystrophy!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Thank You for Considering MDF in Your Year End Gift Giving!
As we enter the holiday season and reflect on 2022, the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) Board of Directors and Staff thank you for a positively phenomenal year! Our entire community has worked hard to move our mission of Community, Care, and a Cure forward and I hope you are as proud of our accomplishments as I am.
For the first time in three years, the MDF Annual Conference allowed us to reunite in person, share long delayed hugs, and strengthen our new friendships. Our gala in New York City was simply extraordinary, a fourth myotonic dystrophy (DM) clinical trial launched, and there are more support programs offered than ever before. There is truly so much for us to celebrate!
I would personally like to thank you for your support this year. Whether you are new to our community or have been here since the beginning, your hope and your heart make MDF stronger each year, and every day our team strives to continue to earn your trust and dedication.
Step by Step We Move Closer to a World with Treatments and a Cure for Myotonic Dystrophy
With your help, in 2022 MDF worked to:
- Develop and promote clinical resources. People in over 121 countries have downloaded the lifesaving Clinical Care Guidelines, the MDF Toolkit, and other DM resources over 40,000 times!
- Fund 8 new DM Research Fellowships in 2022 - more than any year prior!
- Launch the world's first ever Myotonic Dystrophy Research Map, an interactive, visual database of the current DM research ecosystem with over 68,000 data points!
- Celebrate the second annual International DM Awareness Day and successfully advocate for the passage of Senate Resolution 772, declaring September 15th as International Myotonic Dystrophy Awareness Day.
- Produce second seasons of our Ask-the-Expert & Meet-the-DM-Drug-Developers webinar series! Over 9,100 community members have learned from DM clinical experts from around the globe or connected with our leading Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical partners actively working on treatments & a cure.
- Host the 2022 Hybrid MDF Annual Conference! Over 615 people from over 13 countries participated!
- Launch the Myotonic Dystrophy In Motion initiative to share the importance of exercise and encourage DM families to get moving!
- Expand the MDF team! MDF on-boarded new staff members, interns, support group facilitators, and Board members!
- Launch new support groups, raising our total to 31! New this year: Virginia, New York, Arizona, San Diego, Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy Families, DM2 Caregivers, and international Spanish-language support groups!
Give to Community, Care, and a Cure today!
There are many ways to make a tax-deductible gift to support MDF’s work on behalf of the DM community this giving season:
- Donate Online through this webpage!
Mail a Check made out to the "Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation" to
663 13th Street, Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94612 - Transfer Stock to MDF by contacting us for details at development@myotonic.org.
- Launch a Facebook Fundraiser to support MDF at www.facebook.com/fund/MyotonicStrong
- Shop with Amazon Smile for a percentage of your eligible spending to support MDF! Search for "Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation" at smile.amazon.com.
- Call us to see if we can support you with other ideas at 415-800-7777.
Thank You for Your Continued Support of MDF!
We are grateful for your engagement and investment in the DM community and thank you for considering MDF in your year-end gift giving. I look forward to a tremendous 2023.
Together, we are changing the future of myotonic dystrophy!
Happy and healthy holidays to you and your family!
Tanya Stevenson, EdD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer