Thank You for Considering MDF in Your Year End Gift Giving!
What a triumphant year it has been for the myotonic dystrophy (DM) community! As 2021 comes to a close, we reflect on the tremendous resilience of our friends and family, the unbelievable advances made by our research partners, and the amazing generosity of our grassroots supporters and volunteers. At the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) we are more excited and hopeful about what the future will bring than ever before. Every day we move one step closer to achieving MDF’s vision of a world with treatments and a cure for myotonic dystrophy.
This year MDF found new and creative ways to connect families living with DM to our support network and comprehensive resource library, increase funding for groundbreaking DM research, and improve DM awareness and care through clinical and government advocacy. Looking towards the future, this year MDF developed a strategic plan to frame our work over the next three years. We are excited to execute on these initiatives focused on community, care, and cure.
Step by Step We Move Closer to a World with Treatments and a Cure for Myotonic Dystrophy
In addition to finalizing this strategic plan, in 2021 support from donors like you helped MDF:
- Assist with the initiation of three new clinical trials for DM – with more expected to begin next year! Companies include: AMO Pharma, Harmony Biosciences & Avidity Biosciences.
- Develop and disseminate clinical DM resources. Lifesaving Anesthesia Guidelines, the MDF Toolkit, Clinical Care Recommendations and other online resources were downloaded over 39,000 times by people in over 139 countries!
- Fund 5 MDF Research Fellows - more than any year prior! These grants help to support the next generation of researchers dedicated to DM.
- Launch and steward a unified Global Alliance of over 50 DM focused organizations, who designated September 15th International Myotonic Dystrophy Awareness Day and advocated for improved awareness around the world.
- Create and produce our Meet-the-DM-Drug-Developers Webinar Series! These interactive and informational sessions connected over 2,000 members our community to leading Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical partners actively working on treatments and a cure for DM.
- Develop and produce our Ask-the-Expert Webinar Series! Over 1,300 community members learned from a wide variety of DM experts who shared updates in their specialty area of expertise and answered questions live! Topics covered the impact of DM on the heart, lungs, brain, gastrointestinal tract, anxiety, exercise, and speech & language.
- Host the 2021 Virtual MDF Annual Conference! Almost 700 people from over 21 countries and 38 US states participated in our online event, which brings together the entire DM community!
- Support & serve over 15,000 individuals and families living with DM through MDF support groups, Warmline phone calls, and symptom management education!
Together We Will Change the Future of Myotonic Dystrophy!
There are many ways to make a tax-deductible gift to support MDF’s mission during this giving season:
- Donate Online at www.myotonic.org/donate.
Mail a Check made out to the "Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation" to
663 13th Street, Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94612 - Transfer Stock to MDF by contacting us for details at development@myotonic.org.
- Launch a Facebook Fundraiser to support MDF for #GivingTuesday and the Holiday Season at www.facebook.com/fund/MyotonicStrong
- Shop with Amazon Smile for a percentage of your eligible spending to support MDF! Search for "Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation" at smile.amazon.com.
- Call us to see if we can support you with other ideas at 415-800-7777.
Thank You for Your Continued Support of MDF!
We are grateful for your trust, support, and investment in the DM community and thank you for considering MDF in your year-end gift giving.
Thank you for your partnership! Together we will change the future of myotonic dystrophy.