2022 Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing
August 13, 2022 @ 8:00AM — 5:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Bedford Hills Golf Club: 6400 Jackman Rd Temperance, MI 48182 Get Directions

Make a Muscle, Make a Difference
Join us for our annual hockey themed golf outing in the Toledo area!
We hope you and your friends can join us. Make sure to invite your friends and family in the area. If you can’t attend you can still make a difference by making a donation below!
About The Outing
The Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing is a hockey themed golf outing that is held annually in the Toledo area, on the last Saturday before the start of the College Football Season. The main goal of the event is to generate research funds for the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). These organizations are working to find treatment and a cure for families and individuals living with myotonic dystrophy (DM). The event is in memory of the Gulch's son, Andrew, who was born with myotonic dystrophy and passed away in 2001.
Since 2011, the Gulch's have raised over $138,000.00. The funds have benefitted research efforts of numerous muscle diseases, sent numerous children to the Ohio MDA Summer Camp, and supported the Toledo MDA Clinic at the Toledo Hospital. All of this work has been made possible as a result of the golf outing and all of it's many, fun activities!
Be sure to visit our Facebook page for updates on the event, or visit our website to learn more!
In Memory of Andrew Gulch
This event is a tribute to our angel, Andrew. On December 31, 2001, Andrew was born and struggled to live…25 days later he passed away from unknown causes. Several years later, Andrew’s mother and older brother Nicholas were diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy (DM). Feeling an immediate need to do something, the Golf Outing was designed with two goals:
1) to raise money to find a cure for myotonic dystrophy
2) to allow Andrew’s name to live on and be celebrated throughout the years!
You may find an answer on the event's Facebook page, but if not, you can contact us at info@gulchmemorial.com
See Sponsorship Packages for more details about what is included with each sponsorship package.